FREE Google Analytics Audit

Get a customized list of opportunities and action items to improve your Google Analytics setup, no commitment required.

Through working with leading brands like Adidas, Coach and Red Bull, we know the importance of optimizing Google Analytics setup. Our in-house experts will show you exactly where your Google Analytics setup can be improved, and the steps needed to get there.

Why will this audit be beneficial to me?

We find many companies are not properly implementing Google Analytics, causing an inaccurate view of marketing performance. Our free Google Analytics audit will give you confidence in your data with in-depth action items that address the opportunities our experts find.

What is the audit?   

Our comprehensive audit includes checking over 30 areas in Google Analytics.  The objective of this Google Analytics is to show the list of problems and action items to improve Google Analytics set up and reporting.  When the report is complete, we’ll present the results over a web conference and send you the full document.

Why should I do it?   

So you know if you’re missing any data opportunities for performance optimization.  Also, the audit will reveal if there is any severe issues in Google Analytics tracking that could be leading to reading the wrong data.  Make sure you are getting the absolute highest quality of data from your Google Analytics.

How long does it take?

1 to 2 weeks

How much does it cost?   


What access do you need?   

Read-only access to Google Analytics

Is there a catch?  

No.  If everything looks good in your Google Analytics setup, we’ll tell you.  If there’s an opportunity to improve, we’ll show you what actions need to be taken.

If you’d like Principle to manage your Google Analytics and Tag Management, we can do that too!


What does the Audit Cover?

  • Tag version and how the tag is placed
  • Property and view settings
  • Cross-domain tracking
  • Filtering out unnecessary data that could be leading to inaccurate reporting
  • Conversion tracking and integration
  • Goal settings
  • Proper setting of Event tracking
  • E-commerce tracking
  • Campaign tracking and management
  • Many More!! We’ll be auditing over 30 areas of Google Analytics setting

Principle Google Analytics Audit Score Example

Get Your Free Google Analytics Audit